Israel Sci-Tech Schools Network (ISTSN) is a network of over 200 middle and high schools, junior and academic colleges, and professional training centers throughout Israel, focused on providing advanced science and technology instruction in its schools in Israel, and proprietary curriculum to schools around the world.


Based on the success of ISTSN schools in Israel, ISTSN planned to establish an international school for 15-16 year olds, primarily from the US, who are advanced in science and technology and want to study STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) in Israel, the “start up nation.” Prior to launch, ISTSN identified the need to evaluate its concept to fit the requirements of US high school students and their families, and to deliver the full ISTSN experience.


Marketing Matters conducted a study to determine optimal program design and key features. Research included an immersive trip to ISTSN facilities, key stakeholder interviews, competitive program analyses, brand and communications assessment. We recommended extensive changes to the concept in order to optimize for the US high school market, the necessity of developing a sub-brand strategy, and targeted marketing strategies to engage new donors.


Based on our recommendations, ISTSN postponed launch of their international school, pending comprehensive redesign of the program, creation of brand strategy and identity, and development of a marketing plan.


istsn“We were impressed with Marketing Matters’ comprehensive approach and in-depth analysis. They understood the unique challenges of bringing an Israeli program to a US audience. We were able to delay our launch, and are redesigning the program to meet the needs of US students and their families.”

Shai Lewinsohn
Director of Resource Development and Foreign Relations

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