Employee Engagement – Who Cares?

employee engagementVisionary leaders care. Why? Visionary leaders care because they recognize that engaged employees are the key to their company’s success. These leaders understand that engaged employees are connected to their colleagues, their bosses, and the overall organization. They understand that engaged employees are the source of inspiration for themselves and for their peers. And, they recognize that engaged employees work more effectively. The result is that engaged employees produce twice the net annual income of others (according to a Kinexa Study).

Employees care. Why? Employees care because they want to work for a company that cares about them. They value their company when their company values them. They are excited by the opportunity to participate on projects that they find challenging and enjoyable. They are motivated by an employer that enables them to work productively by providing the tools to get their job done. They are encouraged by an employer that offers role models, training, and opportunities to grow. And, they are excited to contribute when they feel their contributions are considered and appreciated.

According to a recent Gallup Poll, less than one third of employees are engaged. What can you do to ensure that your employees are in this group?

  • Ask them. Survey the entire company. Give everyone the opportunity to express themselves. When possible, conduct one-on-one interviews before a broader-based survey to be sure you are addressing all the key issues for your specific organization.
  • Encourage participation. Make it easy for employees to respond in a confidential manner. Utilize a third party to gather and analyze responses.
  • Respond to your findings. Develop specific plans to address identified weaknesses and proactively leverage opportunities. Find out what motivates your particular team and figure out how to make it happen.
  • Commit to action. Welcome your Executive Leadership and HR Department in framing the questions so everyone is vested in the process. Empower a project manager or team to drive your action plan – complete with actions, timetable, and budget.
  • Benchmark against your prior results. Evaluate your employee engagement assessment with a serious eye toward reflection and improvement. How do your results today compare with those of 2 years ago? What areas need rejuvenating – company-wide programs, corporate policies, inter-departmental processes?

If you are an employer, employee engagement should be among your top priorities. Why? Because everyone cares.

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